Buhle Hanise CA(SA)
Buhle is currently the Chief Financial Officer of BAIC SA, a Motor vehicle manufacturer owned by the Chinese BAIC Group together with the IDC. Buhle is an Independent Non-Executive Director at Transaction Capital Limited, Outsurance Holdings Limited, Safcol & Summit Africa. Buhle previously held positions as a Senior Business Rescue Specialist at the IDC where she enjoyed turning around distressed businesses. As a result of her remarkable work and invaluable skills, she was selected to form part of the pilot initiative for IDC employees to form part of the IDC’s Credit Committee. She is also a member of the Steering Committee for 30% Club Southern Africa. Buhle was one of the participants of the UN Women Conference “The Commission on the Status of Women” programme in New York City, USA. Buhle completed an Advanced Course in Business Rescue Practice from the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA). She also completed a Development Finance Programme from University of Stellensbosch (USB) Business School. In 2014, she obtained an Advanced Certificate in Insolvency Law and Practice from the University of Johannesburg.